Maybe you've always wondered what happens to the papers you lose. Well, I'm here to tell you that I find them, keep them, and paste them in a book. Granted, my finds have significantly decreased since leaving the recycling crew at Warren Wilson College, but I still do the best I can. So here, I offer to you some letters/notes/stories I have found throughout the years. Enjoy.
Found in Denver, written on yellow paper in cursive:
3 Cowboys, 2 King-Sized Beds, and 1 Queen
@ Jan 87
-Jackson Hole died
@ Jan 87
3 Cowboys Story
-energy bubble - now he has it!
travel over mts + Bahamas + above crowds
-- Ludie Mae pissing in boat
-- " " pushing T away from her when he
wanted to be held + hugged - in rocking chair,
always the symbol of rejection for him
-- Walking in woods + watching ferns grow and
creating private shrines for God
-- death a transformation + a new adventure!
-- early Sept 87 - nite w 20 yr old w 14 in schwing which
T played with /such all nite long on the nite before he
flew back to Denver bleary-eyed!
Found in the recycling at Warren Wilson in 2005, letter on a birthday card:
Dear Alex,
By now you have rightfully
surmised that I too hate
to write letters.
However I don't want
to lose touch with my
only grandson who I
think of often and love
I do not want a
two line note thanking
me for the birthday gift.
I want you to call
me from time to time By now you have rightfully
surmised that I too hate
to write letters.
However I don't want
to lose touch with my
only grandson who I
think of often and love
I do not want a
two line note thanking
me for the birthday gift.
I want you to call
at your convenience
so we can stay in
I will love you forever --
List of pick up lines found at Warren Wilson, June 05:
- excuse me is that shirt felt would you like it to be
- do you know what winks + screws like a tiger
- does God know you escaped from heaven? Here come to my place you can stay there until he calls looking for you.
- Are you cold you look like you could use some hot chocolate
- I'm a love pirate I'm here for you booty
A favorite trash find from '05:
Orangey Orangey Face
I eat an orange everyday
and once I do I say hooray
It is sour it is sweet but
no matter what I eats bait.
I eat an orange everyday
and once I do I say hooray
It is sour it is sweet but
no matter what I eats bait.
More to come later...
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